What is it like?

We're easy-going and casual, and though we come from a variety of different places and backgrounds, we enjoy the common bond we have in Christ and we desire to follow Him together. It is our sincere hope that you'll find us warm, inviting and personal. 

What about my kids?

So glad you asked! Awaken Kids is available for children (K-5th grade) downstairs during the 10:30 am service. Nursery (birth-4 year olds) is also available downstairs for the full length of the service. Check-in begins downstairs fifteen minutes prior to the start of service (10:15 am).

Prefer for your children to join you in service? Sounds great to us! Need a place to change a diaper? Our family room is located outside the sanctuary, next to the family bathroom.

Where do I park?

Our parking lot is right next to the building. The Main Entrance is around the side of the building closest to Hexam Road, and the Kids' Entrance is located at the bottom of the handcap accessible entrance nearest the parking lot. 

What do I wear?

We tend to wear anything from jeans and a T-shirt to business casual. It's totally up to you.

How can I get connected?

We invite you to fill out a Connect Card, so we can know how best to serve you. Please also feel free to connect with Pastor Eric, Pastor Derrik, a greeter, or one of the other leaders in the church. We'd be happy to connect!

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